About the Webmistress

You people want to know about me? Wouldn't you like to know more about Steve? Oh ok....

Name: Joey Oak
Sex: Female
Age: 14
Eye colour: Blue
Hair colour: Light brown

Coluor: Purple
Powerpuff girl: Bubbles
Pokemon: Gligar
Animal: Wolf
Food: Pizza
Anime: Ruroni Kenshin
Band: Nsync
Song: The Game is Over

Likes: Rowdyruff boys, dragons, doggies, Gary Oak, and clocks
Dislikes: Cats, needles, bugs, clowns, sports, giant eyeballs, school, updating websites, yahoo, and writers block
Hobbies: Writing, chatting with friends online, and annoying mortals.

Do I have a boyfriend? Yes and he's the sweetest guy in the world.
What exactly are you doing at this moment? Writing this. Duh.
Exactly how hot is it? About 110F ^^
Anything else? Nope.

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