
Whew... *wipes her hair out of her face, smiles* A good round-up of work,
if I do say so myself. I put up a bunch of drawings I've been meaning to put up
in the art gallery, and I still have a couple more to put up, once I talk to Keikou
and Aohiki. I also, *dramatic music* finished putting up Touya and Keikou! FINALLY!
So if you haven't read that, go! I also put up more Kurama pictures in Keikou's shrine.
I had been putting that off for a while. ^^; *dashes off happily*

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Nyaaaa... Michi has too much schoolwork... not enough sanity... x.x
So today I actually rearranged the Art Gallery a bit, since it was getting
a tad crowded. I also have some drawings I actually need to put up *majour
sweatdrop* but those can wait. I also added another scene for Touya and Keikou.
We're almost done with that...

Myuu... Michi not feeling well... sigh... So I put up two more of my pictures,
and the next scene for Touya and Keikou. I have a LOT more to do, though,
so keep checking back. ^^

Ahem. I just wanted to say for today...
Indeed, today is HOOK's birthday, October 3rd. Ah, it was so long ago...
*teary eyes* But I'm not actually updating the website until later. ^^;
I have stuff I need to do, just... need time to do it. I promise, I promise,
I'll update within time.

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.....*drools*.....Put up the sexiest picture in existance...
In... art gallery... MINE I TELL YOU, MINE!!!!!!! Ahem.
Also put up another scene of Touya and Keikou.

Yawn... I'm keeping up with updates, kind of sort of. Yay. ^^;
So I put up another scene of Touya and Keikou, and a couple
more of my drawings. *sweatdrop* Especially since I got new
inking pens. Yeah... just be prepared for the Sexiest Creature
In Existance. And perhaps I'll put up a picture of my Kensei bear,
once I give him a bath. *horny smile, then dashes off*

I'm turning into Wish-chan! Kyuu. I completely apologise for not
updating for two months. But now that we're back in school, I plan
to be updating more, now that I'll have constant contact with my fellow
HOOKians. Which makes me happy. And I have quite a few drawings
for you peoples- I didn't go on a nineteen day vacation to DO things there-
but my inking pens got stolen. x.x So... wait a little bit. ^^ Love ya all!
Oh, but in the mean time, I put up the next scene for Touya and Keikou.
We're finally done writing that...

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Ugh... I'm so exhausted. x.x And more work needs to be done. But in
the past couple of days, I put up the next chapter for Megami Series II,
the next scene for Touya and Keikou, and a new art picture thing of mine. ^^ Woo...

Meh... Michi's been lazy lately. Besides, everyone's off doing vacation
and what not... this makes me sad. Oh well... I put up a new scene for Touya
and Keikou. I'll be putting up them soon, the only ones we don't have are the
ones with Aohiki since we need her to write them with us... *sweatdrop*

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Yay for updates... Ahem. So, we've put up a few pictures in the gallery.
However, we had to *cough* take away some stuff on the site, due to complaints.
Sorry about that. But expect things to be quiet over the summer, with all of us
going on vacation and what not. But... yeah. Perhaps more stuff coming soon.
I have WAY too much free time in the summer- more pictures of mine up. ^^
Also, the first Episode of Megami Series II up! Go read it!

Woah... by the way, today the site has been up for half a year. ^^ Yea HOOK!

Excuse me while I boogie to this song. *boogie boogie* Sorry. Sano song.
Totemo kickass. Anywho, FYI I put up a Hiei shrine for Aohiki in her room,
and Keikou-chan's list of anime guys in her room if you didn't already know that.
Keikou was bugging me about putting that up. Also, been putting up lots of T&K.
Go read it, it's good. ^^ Mwuahaha. Umm... also worked on the kitchen a bit
for the better. Hopefully we can have our meeting soon... then we can get lots
more coolness up. ^-^

Meh. Michi has more homework to tend to. Sigh. But in the mean
time, I have put up more Touya and Keikou! We have until Act III written,
so I'll be putting that on the site. Nice and slowly. Mwuahaha.

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Meh, didn't notice that I hadn't updated this page for a while. *thinks* So. Put
up lots of T&K lately, we're almost done with Act I. Also, an Aohiki pic or two is
up in the art gallery, along with a couple of my pics. *noddles* Methinks that's about
it. I'm busy, ya know. I should put up a weekly newsletter for the site...

Meep. Michi-chan is running on a lack of sleep. Ahem. In the past day, I cleaned up both
the Art Gallery and Keikou's Kurama shrine. You can only really tell for the shrine, though.
Meeep. I love you, Keikou-chan, and you're very lucky I do. So... yeah... please tell me
if you see any broken links/images anywhere! Sankyuus!

Meepers! Happy May! Amazingly enough, in the past week or so I've put up Aohiki-chan's
pictures, go check them out because they're kickass, and I also put up two new chapter things.
One is the next scene of Touya and Keikou, the other the next chapter of Seven Minutes.
Finally. Anou, I should be getting a couple of my own drawings up soon enough. *nods* I'm
proud of myself. *Except I still need to type up some stuff for Nekoko x.x* Update- Wai!
I actually got my two drawings up! *does the happy webmistress dance* I feel accomplished.

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Yo! Ohayou! *glances at watch, shrugs* Ohayou. Michi here with Keikou right at my
elbow bugging me. ^^ *pets her* I put up the first official scene of Romeo and Juliet ~ Touya
and Keikou up. Go see it. *evil smile* I'll be putting up lots of drawingses later today. Probably...

*yawn, stretch* Well. Keikou-chan bugged me enough to update this page. Not like anyone
   reads it anyhow... But either way. Lets see. A lot of stuff up in the library. I put up the index
page for HOOK's new project writingness, go check that out. Also, put up Keikou's side story for
the Megami Series. Anou... oh! Also put up a layout of the mansion. Also in the library.

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Okay, okay, I'll update the updates page. Lets see. Lots of new drawings in the gallery,
go look at that. Keikou-chan and Aohiki-chan have a new episode in their story, go read
it... That's about it. I need to type up Nekoko-chan's sequal...

While once again procrastinating doing homework, I typed up Nekoko-chan's story that
she wrote. It's in her room. Anou, also, put more Kurama pictures in the shrine. Expect
Hiei and Vash shrines coming soon enough. I wonder if Nuigurumi-chan wants a shrine...?

*does the I'm-a-happy-webmistress dance* yea! Plush-chan and Aohiki-chan got their
rooms back up! *spin dance happy happy* Nuigurumi-chan's room ish totemo kakkoi,
so go see it. ^^ Nice and long, too. *goes off to continue working on schtuff*

Meh... Okay, so I'm bad at updating the updates page. Anyhow. Keikou-chan's Kurama
shrine was updated still quite a bit. Anou... what else? I put up another quiz we made at the last
HOOK meeting, thanks to Plush-chan (finally) getting me buttons. ^^ There's also a Japanese
dictionary now in the library, along with various fanfics and such. Hmm... what else...   Oh yes!
Put up lots more of Nuigurumi-chan's drawings, go check them out. They're very kawaii. ^^

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I know I haven't put updates up in a while. But oh my god Keikou-chan, you are
highly obsessed. I'm a highly overworked webmistress here... I need a vacation. Anyhow.
I added about 80 pictures to her Kurama shrine, but I need to do the commentary for it
and such. And I have to do a buncha other stuff too. Eventually. *shifty eyes*

Moo... Michi has been sick lately, so the site hasn't been updated as much as I'd like.
But I typed up a new fanfic today, and you can read that in the library. That's about it. ^^;
Also got forced to put one of my drawings up in the art gallery... And the second Megami
Episode is up.

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Woo! I put up the first chapter of Keikou-chan and Aohiki-chan's fanfic they wrote.
More will come as Keikou-chan types it up. ^^ anou, also, will get another fanfic or
so up soon, as we just had our January meeting. ^^ Also did some buttonness on the site,
so it looks all spiffy. I think.

At this point, Aohiki's room is down for a bit, gomen about that... Otherwise, the site's
doing good. I put up a JIN SHRINE!!! *glomps him* You can get that via my room. Also
put up a picture that Aohiki and Plush did in the art room, along with redesigning that a bit.
Anou... think that's about it. *Thinks* More will be coming. ^^

WOOT! Aohiki-chan and Keikou-chan got their pictures to me, so all the bedrooms
have PICTURES! Woot! So go check those out, since both are extremely good artists.
I'll have their pictures up in the art gallery in time. ^^ And we have plans for another room,
one for Plush-chan to show you around.

Yay! All rooms (except for Plush-chan's) are up! *dances* Anyway, put up the art
gallery. *goes and pesters other HOOK members to draw stuff* Meep! And... anou...
I should get a web counter... *shifty eyes* I think that's about it. School's back in for me.

Instead of doing homework, I have put up the "which HOOK member are you?" quiz!
It's in the gaming room, which I also put up today. And... anou... still working on Keikou-chan's
Kurama shrine, but I think I'm mostly done unless she gets more pictures. And also put up
our almost-member Plush-chan's button, as well  as Nekoko's picture.

Woot! Michi has kidnapped Keikou-chan and forced her to make her room. *cough cough*
Now everyone just needs to get their pictures up! *goes and pesters people*

Woot! Plush-chan, a friend of ours, officially started helping with the website. She made kool
buttons for the front page, and helped me in a couple other things. But I'm still the webmistress.
I also added a picture to my room. So now you can see my art. Yay! ^^

Kingashinnen minna-san! Now that that's done with... I finished the kitchen, and everyone's room
(except for Keikou-chan's) is up. Not necessarily done, but up. I need to scan in pictures... *skitters
around* Will work on website still! ^^ And I finished the kitchen today.

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Mrr... Site created? *blink blink blink* Michi worked on site muchies. Got up various things.
Will continue to work on site. That is, if the penguins don't come...

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