Team Rocket47's Bestest Fanfic
Chapter 6: The Great Breakout

It opened to the most amazing thing Ira and Jads ever saw.

Joey smiled at her friends amazed looks. "Welcome to the
REAL base of Team Smak."

The base was huge. It was bigger then anything Jads and Ira ever
saw. There were training grounds for every different type of
pokemon. In one area there were a bunch of computers. But the
most amazing things were the shelves of what looked like a
billion pokemon. Sadly the place looked like it was abandoned
for three weeks.

Joey led them to an area with a bunch of couches. Then she
explained. "Team Smak is different from Team Rocket because
we only stole pokemon from the trainers who would only train
six pokemon and leave the others stuck in a box somewhere. We
believed that pokemon are all strong and we built this place so
they can train to get stronger. We also stole pokemon from
Team Rocket because they preform experiments to try to make
pokemon stronger faster. But the only way to bring out a
pokemon's true strength it to take the time to train it. Also as
you may or may not know, Team Rocket was into cloning
pokemon to make them stronger.

"The way we stole most pokemon was by hacking the pokemon
transfer system which I specialize in. But on occasions we'd
have to steal the pokemon the old fashion way. Those were the
times we made it on the news. Now if you could help me we
should feed the pokemon because they haven't eaten for three

So together they all fed the pokemon who were indeed starving.
Then Joey loaded up one of the computers and in very little time
had drawn up a detailed plan to break her friends out of jail. "Ok
here's the scoop," she said as she showed them a print out of her
plan, "do ether of you specialize in explosives?"

Jads raised her hand. "I do I do!!!"

"Great. Ok. Jads you are going to have to set a explosion
somewhere in the building as a distraction. Ira I'm counting on
you to get my friends pokemon out from here." Joey pointed to a
spot on her map. "I'm going to break Kenny, Aly and Dreana
out. Jads I don't think you'll have any problems getting away but
take My fearow anyway. Ira can dig out with Lucky. Do we have
the plan?"

Both Ira and Jads understood and nodded.

Joey suddenly remembered something. "Were out of explosives.
I was supposed to go see Kat to get more three weeks ago. So I
guess were gonna have to go get them now."

Ira asked, "Who's Kat?"

"Kat is my good friend and also the best weapons expert ever.
She never joined Team Smak though. She always preferred to
work on her own."

Ira nodded. "I see."

"I'll hitch the caboose to my motorcycle so we can get there
faster then walking." Joey led her friends to a small garage
where the same Moltres motorcycle that crashed into the house

"I always wondered what happened to that thing." remarked

Joey replied, "A few days after the crash I rebuilt it and drove it
down here. Almost got caught too."

"Joey you shouldn't have done that when they were still looking
for you." Jads was now sounding like her mom.

Joey laughed. "I like to live dangerously." She hooked up the
caboose and told Ira and Jads to get in. They did so and put on
the helmets that Joey tossed them.

Joey then got on her bike and drove down the very long garage.
They were heading at a slight slant so Jads guessed they were
heading upwards. It was true too. They headed toward the
garage door at a speed that would most definitely get Joey a
ticket if they were above ground. Joey pressed a button and the
door opened just in time not to let them crash into it. In 3.28
seconds they were above ground in the twilight heading along a
two lane road in the middle of the desert.

A few miles along Joey got off onto a dirt road that if you
weren't looking for it you wouldn't know it was there. This road
took them by a lot of kool desert mountain plateaus until Joey
stopped at a small house at the base of another plateau. Night
had fallen and some of the nocturnal pokemon were out.

"This is the place." Joey announced after taking off her helmet
and setting it on the handlebars. She hopped of her bike and
walked over to the house, motioning for her friends to follow.
They did so and approached the house.

The house was painted pink on the front but the roof was brown.
Probably to make it hard for anyone to see from above. There
was one window in the front and it had dust on the window sill.
It also looked a bit small. But other wise it was a pretty nice
house. Joey knocked on the door.

Kat stretched her arms and looked out the peek hole. She saw
the eye of her childhood friend looking in at her, smiled
unlocked and opened the door.

Ira had learned to expect anything when around Joey. But he
wasn't prepared for this.

Kat was a mewtwo. Her skin was light pink and her tail a darker
pink. She stood about a foot taller then Joey. She had the
identical blue eyes as Joey but her left eye had a black scar on it.
What made the moment stranger was that she wore a really big

"Hey Joey! I heard on the news that you guys got busted but I
thought they got you too." Kat said as she gave her friend a big
hug, "I see you've brought some friends along with you. Come
on in I'll make some coffee." The trio followed the mewtwo into
a living room where they all sat on couches while Kat went into
the kitchen to make some coffee.

"How come you never told us that Kat was a mewtwo?" Jads
asked questioningly.

Joey thought for a moment. "The thought totally slipped my
mind." she said, "But I'm surprised that you two know about

Jads smiled. "Ira once had a mission with the bosses mewtwo.
They were supposed to catch tauros and give them to the boss
but Ira kept one for himself." Ira turned a slight red.

Ira was the first to ask. "Why does Kat have a scar on her eye?"

Joey snickered and Kat got a sweat drop on her head. "I told her
not to mess with my sword but nope she had ta mess whit it."

Kats' sweat drop turned into a big red vein as she turned around
with a coffee pot in hand. "YOU DID NOT WARN ME

Joey smiled at her friends anger. "Now why would I do that?"

Kats' vein turned back into a sweat drop. "Well I never figured
that part out but it's still your fault."

"Is not!"

"Is too!"



Both Ira and Jads got mini sweat drops on the back of there
heads as Joey and Kat got eye lines.

After all calmed down, introductions were made, and Kat and
Joey had coffee, Joey got to the point. "We're going to break
into the jail and get my friends out tonight. Ira's gonna get the
pokemon, Jads will create a distraction, and I'm gonna break
them out. Problem is were out of bombs."

Kat took another sip of coffee and said, "I think I can help you. I
made a prototype bomb that would be right for the job you
described. Follow me into the lab guys." She put her coffee
down on the coffee table and lead them into a door that had a
warning sign on the front. "But don't you think it's a bit to soon
with that limp you have?"

"They expect me in six weeks because there pretty sure they got
me. So why I should come early." Joey winked.

Inside the lab was stranger than the fact that it was run by a
mewtwo. Lots of weird stuff lingered in the air. It was obvious
that Kat was a weapons expert. There were a few mallets along
the wall in all kinds of different sizes. There were other strange
weapons that didn't even have names yet.

Kat led them over to a desk where a few sphere shaped things
were. "I do not know what to call these but they make a hell of a
big explosion. All you have to do is throw them and they'll
explode." She carefully put them in a bag and gave them to Jads.

She led them out to the motorcycle. "Good luck you guys. I'll be
a help any time you need it." Joey got onto her bike and Ira and
Jads got into the caboose. Kat started to walk back to the house
but the turned back. "And Joey?"

"Yes?" Joey asked as she got ready to start up her motorcycle.

"Don't get yourself in too much trouble." Kat replied.

Joey started up her motorcycle. "You know I will." she smiled
back and drove off into the night.

At the jail. . .

Kenny stretched. Being stuck in jail was the worst thing that had
happened to him. It was mostly the boredom of it all. How in the
hell was he gonna get out? Joey was probably lying dead in the
forest because of getting shot. That's all the guards talked about
for the past three weeks. That stupid rookie cop nick named
Magick got a lucky shot and hit Joey in the leg. If she did
survive in the wild it would take at least six weeks til she was
able to walk good enough to attempt another rescue.

"Bet you never expected to see me again did you?" Sure enough,
Joey was sitting on the window sill, flipping a little red jewel.

"JOEY!!!" Kenny almost feel off of the bed.

Joey motioned for him to be quiet. "I've got a plan this time."
Just then an explosion lit up the night. "Kat was right in saying
that those things make a big boom." She grasped the jewel in her
hand and said one word. "Duck." A beam of fire erupted from
her hand. This was the sword that scarred Kats' eye though
who's fault it was is unknown.

She floated about a foot from the small window and cut into the
metal bars. After a few short seconds the bars were cut out and
only melted and smoking edges remained.

Kenny smirked. "Impressive."

"Yup." Joey gave him a hand out of the window and told him
where the hole they dug to get in was. Then she put him on the
ground. Looking around her surroundings she saw that most
every guard in the place was around where Jads threw the
explosion. She was long gone by now because she only had to
throw a bomb over wall. From far away she heard her arcanines
proud howl. Ira had gotten away too. Now for Aly and Dreana.

Aly stuck her head out of the bars to see the commotion.
Something big had happened for sure. Since there was an
explosion it probably wasn't Joey because she'd mess it up bad.

"Your right I didn't make that explosion." Joey was sitting on
the window sill next to hers. "But I have come here to save you.
Now if you don't mind could you please back up?" Aly backed
up a few feet and Joey yet again lit her sword and cut the bars.

After helping Aly to the ground she asked a very important
question. "Any idea where Dreana's locked up?" Aly nodded no
and Joey cursed a bit. But then she told Aly the escape route and
entered the jail with her sword still lit.

Apparently someone had killed the lights so it was dark. But the
light of her sword was enough to see the sign that said:
CRIMINAL POKEMON. She opened the door and by the light
of her sword saw that the walls were lined in all different types
of pokeballs. There was a window at the end of the room. She
cut the bars out in case she needed a quick escape.

By looking through the labels she found a masterball with the
label Dreana on it.

"How cruel can you get by using these stupid things?" She
reached for the pokeball but just then the lights switched on.
Joey turned around instantly, twisting on her bad leg. She hid the
extreme pain she felt as she looked at the person who turned on
the light.

She stood about the same height as Joey was now. She had black
hair up in the sailor moon style and her brown eyes looked for
revenge. Her police officer hat was slanted a just the right angle
to make her look really good.

"You must be Magick." Joey said with a smirk.

Magick closed her eyes. "Correct you are Joey. You cost me a
big promotion you know. I would have gotten it too if I could
have shot you dead. So that's my job now." She pointed a gun at
Joeys' head.

"Not tonight sister." Joey grabbed her best friends captivity and
dropped out of the window.

Magick glared as she ran to the window. Looking out she saw
Joey running toward the hole they had entered in. Without a
second thought she jumped out the window and chased after the
reason she lost the promotion.

It wasn't a very high drop but it was still high enough to send a
whole new pain through Joeys' leg. She stumbled over to the
escape route and dropped down. As planned, her motorcycle was
waiting near by. Forgetting her helmet, Joey sped of in the
direction opposite the way her friends were supposed to meet.
All they needed was the cops again. So she cut onto the road
that led toward Kats' house. That wasn't where she was heading
though. She didn't exactly know where she was heading.

There was the sound of another motorcycle behind her. With a
quick look she found that the one chasing her was none other
than Magick. Damn this girl was persistent.

Magick pulled out her gun. Joey was not going to get away this
time. With careful aim, Magick fired her gun. The target was hit
and Joeys' back wheel shattered. She crashed off the side of the

Magick stopped her motorcycle beside where Joey crashed. She
smiled. This would be easy now that her enemy was lying
unconscious. There was a small cabin near by that looked
abandoned. This was perfect. She might get her promotion after

Not long later. . .

Joey opened her eyes. She was tied to a chair that was for sure.
Her leg really hurt again. She tried to think about what
happened. There was a gunshot and then she crashed. That must
mean that Magick messed up her motorcycle. Damn her. She
was at a small table working on a laptop. Probably reporting her
capture. Well that wouldn't be necessary.

With a few well practiced twists of her tail the ropes fell around
her. What a simple knot. Not anything close to what Team
Rocket could do. Silently she stood up and grabbed Magicks
gun off the table.

Before she could send the e-mail, Magick felt the cold barrel of
a gun on her temple. "Since I have no reason nor intention of
killing you other than you shot me in the leg, you messed up my
bike, and you're a cop, you have the choice of coming with me
and joining Team Rocket47 or dying right now." Joey ordered.

Picking the smart choice, Magick joined as the seventh member
of Team Rocket47. Joeys motorcycle was indeed trashed except
for the caboose which was hooked onto Magicks cycle. They
found whatever pieces of Joeys bike could be salvaged and put
them in the caboose with Magick as Joey drove them back to the
Head Quarters.

(c) Joey Oak              September 21, 2000

Chapter 7