The Death of True Love

Our plan had failed miserably. It wasn't my fault that Denki had a habit of cross-dressing. While
sitting on the couch, with no chance of escape, I looked around the room at the others who were
also captured.

Other then Trunks, Denki and I, the laboratory was fairly occupied. Leaning against the adjacent
wall was Tac, the person who had done all this. Sitting across from the three of us was a girl I'd
never seen before, who was sitting on a chair and glaring at Tac. Tied up to a different chair was
a girl with reddish brown hair, the same color as mine. She looked very tired and upset. On the
floor next to them was a small girl in a pokemon tech uniform. She was asleep against the chair
that the untied girl sat in.

Sitting in a few cages were various pokemon, looking sad and defeated. Jake, I knew him from
long before, was sitting in the largest cage. He looked like he was in pain, and then I saw that his
tail was snapped in half. Next to him was a purple mew, though she was different from Joey. Th
In the cage beside that was a beautiful Jolteon with golden brown fur, who was sitting and
looking grief-stricken. A cage behind that held Feathers the Pidgeot, his wing crumpled and bent
behind him. And one lone cage at the end, was empty.

I couldn't believe it.... I heard myself asking, "Joey... Is she?"

Tac smiled a cruel smile that bit deep into my heart. "Yes," he replied.

I lowered my head. I didn't know what to think. How could it be? Joey was gone after all my
efforts and the efforts of others to save her. Murdered in cold blood by her own father. I found
myself crying, the warm tears falling down my face. She was the only girl I had ever loved...

I could hear the voices of Trunks and Tac, but I couldn't understand the words they were saying.
I felt like my world was shattered, as a window that's been hit by a rock. Every day for the past
17 years I worried about her. I had always hoped that she had escaped Tac's grasp. I had always
wished for her to only be happy. Now I knew that I had lost the one chance I had ever had to
save her.

"Why did you have to kill her?" I whispered while choking back a sob.

Tac laughed. "She was interfering with my plans," he announced in the tone which you would
use to say something about the weather.

His words were a silver knife, tearing apart my soul. I couldn't understand how he could just say
something like that, after what he did. Was he mad? Was he so deeply trapped within insanity to
be able to murder his own daughter and shrug it off like it was just brushing off a leaf that had
come to rest on his jacket?

I heard more uncomprehensible words. The words of Tac and an unknown voice that seemed to
come out of nowhere. The unidentified voice said something about shoving a broomstick but I
heard nothing more. My life, my own existence was spiraling down into a void of nothingness.
All because Joey was gone.

Suddenly a felt myself filled with a fury like I've never felt before. I lifted my tear filled eyes
and with a glare of death I yelled, "You don't deserve the title of father! Didn't you even think
of what she meant to other people?"

Tac only looked to me with his own icy blue stare. With a chuckle he explained, "She was an
experiment, and a faulty one at that. I'm surprised she lived as long as she did. I honestly didn't
expect her to live past ten."

I glared at him. I prepared to say more, but a solemn voice spoke up before mine, silencing the
room with it's calmness. The voice belonged to Jake, who was sitting on the floor of his cage, a
few spots on his blue fur turned violet with blood. His back was against the wall of the cage that
faced the other cages and he had one leg bent with his arms resting around it, the other stretching
out for the full length of the cage. He had his eyes closed but I could see that like me, he was
also crying. His psychic voice carried out over the room.

"You always favored me over her, Tac. Did you ever care for her at all?"

Tac looked to him and his smile slightly faded. "Yes," he said, "I did care for your sister at one
point. I cared for her as much as I did for you." He pointed toward me. "But then she met him
and became a damned rebel."

"You're a heartless, cold-blooded, bastard Tac," I cursed, my voice as cold as the northern wind.

He gave me a smile then turned to the door of his laboratory. "Whatever. I'll be back later." He
turned to the one girl who was untied and warned, "And don't try anything funny or else." He
then turned and left the room, locking the door behind him.

I rested my head in my hands and began crying again. I felt nothing anymore, nothing but pain
and sorrow. I had never felt like this in my life, ever. Not even when I had lost in the pokemon
league. Nothing I've ever felt could match this extreme emotion of grief that I felt now.

I heard a noise and looked up, and saw that the girl who remained untied had moved her chair
over next to the couch we were seated on. She looked at Denki and smiled. In a tired voice she
said, "Hey Denki."

Denki smiled back to her and replied, "Hey." He gave her a look of question then asked, "Would
you mind me asking who you are?"

"I'm the writer of this story," the girl announced, and Denki seemed to blush a bit.

"What are you doing down here in the story?" he asked while trying to hide his blushing.

The Writer leaned back in her chair. "Eh. Tac threatened to kill Joey if I didn't come down here
and do exactly what he said."

I looked to the Writer. I didn't believe what she was saying. Shakily I asked, "And then what

She looked to me then looked down in embarrassment. "Well I kinda called his bluff," she


She came over to me and gave me a small hug. "Don't worry, Gary. I've been a writer for over
two years now. I'll think of something to fix up the plot."

"I hope so...."

The End!

Note from the OTHER writer: *throws her head back and laughs* Take that, Joey Oak! I can
write something good! Nyah ha ha ha! *pokes her fingers together and looks to the ground* Well
you kinda wrote it first... *snaps her head up* But I wrote it better! *looks around* Oh! *strikes
a pose* For all who're wondering, this is Kat Nabakainu (stupid dog), Aka Jackie Jolteon. Since
Joey loaned me her second notebook for awhile and I noticed she had written an important
scene, and it lacked emotion. Being the annoying person I am, I rewrote it for her and gave it a
whole new feeling. I think it turned out pretty well, don't you? Oh well I'm boring ya'll so I'll
just give ya'll me email addie so you can tell me how great a writer I am! Stupid_dog@team- Okie dokie then, I guess I'll be off now. Love, Peace, and Puffy Cheetos!

(c) Joey Oak, rewriten by Kat Nabakainu June 5, 2001

Email Kat
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