Jackies Mondo Kool Fic
Chapter 2: Capture

Chapter 2: Captured!

I whimpered softly as I opened my eyes. My vision was very blurry, and all I could see were
silver stripes before my eyes.

As in reply to my awakening, a voice said, "So, Miss sleeping beauty Jolteon is finally awake."

I didn't understand anything right then, because everything was foggy in my head. I blinked a
few more times, and my vision came into focus. The stripes that I saw before were really bars! I
looked out further to see that I was being carried along a long hallway.

Groggily I asked, "Wah?"

The same voice replied, "Don't tell me you don't remember anything, Jackie."

I was completely confused but I tried to think. Orion and I were walking in the forest, and we ran
into Hiroshi, then there was that huge pain I felt....

Still a bit confused I asked, "Am I dead?"

"Surprisingly you're not. That's why I've brought you back with me."

I recognized the voice now. It was Hiroshi! I looked at him through the bars and asked, "What
are you going to do to me?"

"Nothing, for now," he answered.

I didn't like the sound of that. I kept remembering the stories that Orion told me about what
Hiroshi did to him when he was only a puppy.

Everyone in the greatest team of pokemon was afraid of Hiroshi, but none more then Orion. He
didn't talk about what happened very much, but from what I could tell from what he did say,
Orion was badly abused by Hiroshi because he didn't want to work for Hiroshi. The same was
probably going to happen to me now that I'd been captured.

Suddenly remembering Orion I quickly asked, "What happened to Orion?"

Hiroshi smiled evilly. "You're Entei friend? He's dead now."


"You heard me. He's dead. I killed him." His smile stayed fixed in that horrible grin.

I looked down to the floor of my cage. "But.... You couldn't have.... If the laser was at full power
and it didn't kill me, then there's no way it could have killed Orion...."

"Don't you get it? You're far more stronger then he is."

I looked to Hiroshi, who was now looking down at me. "No way. I'd never be as strong as he is."

"Well even if you do believe that, he's dead now, making you the stronger one."

"No," I whispered. Orion couldn't be dead, it was impossible. Hiroshi was lying, saying I was
stronger then Orion. Orion would beat my in a battle any day, even if I was faster then him. If I
had survived the laser at full blast, then Orion must have gotten off without a scratch. Hiroshi
was probably just bluffing about Orion being dead. Just to scare me.

I was sure of it.

After a long period of silence, my captor finally said, "Since it's obvious you're not going to
willingly work for me against you're friends, I'm going to allow you to keep someone company
for awhile."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

He smiled. "You'll see what I mean. Well, here we are." He had stopped at a door on the left
side of the hallway and unlocked the door. Then he said, "If you ever feel like turning over to my
side, then you'll be able to be let out. Until then, have fun." He opened the door and threw my
the cage I was in onto the floor inside and closed the door behind him.

I whimpered from the impact, because I was still hurting all over from the laser. Then I opened
my eyes and looked around the room. It was completely dark inside, except for a few light trails
from the spaces between the door, and that light wasn't enough to see by. The lack of light gave
an intimidating impression of the room.

I heard a small squeaking noise and turned my head to the source. I yelped, the sudden
movement hurting my neck and back. I heard the sound like something moving, and crouched
down, sobbing in fear.

To my surprise, a small kind voice asked, "Are you alright?"

I answered, "Not really," hiding the fear that I felt.

The same voice, that somehow reminded me of bells, replied, "Don't be afraid. No one will hurt
you in here. Now where is that light switch."

My fear was slowly fading away, and I brought about the strength to ask, "What about Hiroshi?"

The unknown voice laughed cheerfully and answered, "He never comes in here except to bring
me anything I ask for, and even then he only hands me whatever it is through the door. Other
then that, I'm alone. Ah! Here it is!"

The light's suddenly flickered on and I saw, floating about halfway up the door's length, was a
purple mew. I blinked in surprise, them blurted, "A mew?!?"

The mew smiled and blushed slightly. "Yeah. And you're a jolteon. Must be pretty powerful at
that, or else Hiroshi would have already killed you."

I winced from the pain that was burning through my body and said, "He tried to."

Landing on the ground, the purple pokemon said, "I've noticed. You've got really bad scorches
all over. Let's first get you out of that cage." She gave a small tug at the door and it opened,
giving little resistance. I smiled to her, and limped out of the cage. A few steps out, I tripped and
fell flat on my face.

The mew look concerned. "Hold still for a sec ok?" she said.

I closed my eyes as I felt a small warmth flow through my entire body. After a few seconds of
this, the warmth went away, and I was left with a peaceful feeling. What made things better was
that the pain I had felt only moments before was gone!

"What was that?" I asked the mew, who was now standing next to me.

The mew smiled then hopped over to a bunk bed that was in the corner of the room. While
sitting down on the bed she replied, "It was a healing spell. Just something I learned over the

"Thanks for healing me I guess then," I admitted. The mew nodded in reply, then sank back onto
a large fluffy pillow.

For the first time, I looked around the room. It wasn't anything like I had imagined. My first
thought would be that I'd be like a torture chamber or something like that. But in fact, it was
nothing like what I imagined at all. The room was just like any normal kids room, but with a lot
more stuff. It had a big screen TV with a high tech VCR next to it. Also attached to the TV were
a few assorted video game systems. On a huge bookshelf along wall next to the TV, was not only
a large collection of books, but also a huge assortment of video games and anime videos. I
looked further around the room and saw that the bed I had mentioned before was really a bunk
bed. The top bunk was completely covered in stuffed animals and there were more stuffed
animals on the floor too. The walls were painted a light violet, and a few drawings were hung on
the walls. On an oak desk, a very old typewriter was sitting, and a piece of plain white paper was
halfway through it. One of the oddest things about the room was it's lack of windows.

"There's also a kitchen and a bathroom if you're wondering," the mew announced, startling me.
I looked to her and exclaimed, "This is amazing! And you get anything you want if you just

The mew sighed. "Pretty much anything, yeah. As long as it doesn't break the rules I'm set to."

Looking around the room again I announced excitedly, "This place is a paradise!"

In a dark tone, that sounded completely different then the mews normal voice she said, "No it's
not. It's a prison."

I looked to her with my brown eyes and padded over softly. "What do you mean?"

She had her eyes closed, and the faint sign of tears was slightly showing in the corners of her
eyes. Sadly she explained, "In this room, as you may have noticed, has no windows at all.
There's no possible way to get back out the only door either. There are no telephones, or TV
channels, or anything else that would give any contact with the world outside. Also you may or
may not have found this out, but all pokemon powers are disabled. There's no possible way to

"No possible way to escape?" I repeated after her slowly.

The mew was looking very depressed now. Softly she said, "No."

I put my paws on the bed and looked down into her aquamarine blue eyes, which were now
looking into my own. "But there's got to be a way out! We've got to try everything we can!" I
then ran to the door. There was no handle on the inside.

"Don't be stupid," the mew yelled, now sitting up. "If I haven't found a way out of this place
then there is none."

But I wasn't listening to her. I was running as fast as I could toward the door so I could ram it
down. About an inch from the door I hit something very solid, and staggered backwards. I shook
the pain out of my throbbing head then looked at the door, puzzled.

The mew looked angry now. "You idiot," she snapped. "Don't try that again or you'll get a

"What happened?" I asked dizzily.

"There's a barrier on the door," she said sharply. "Anything can come in but nothing goes out, at
all. That's the reason why Hiroshi never comes in here. Sure he knows the code to get out but he
doesn't want me to know it."

I crouched low to the ground, feeling horrible about being yelled at. I whimpered softly, "I'm
sorry.... I didn't know...."

The mews expression lighten. Softly she said, "No, it's my fault. I shouldn't have gotten angry at
you. It's just I've been in here so long it seems so hopeless to try and escape."

I walked over to her again and jumped up on the bed. Apologetically I asked, "How long have
you been in here?"

She sobbed, looking down at the purple blanket on the bed and replied, "I don't know exactly
how long it's been, but more then half my life. Let me think.... I was locked in here near my 26th
birthday, and I'm 59 now..... I guess it's been 33 years. And I haven't talked to anyone but Tac or
Hiroshi since then."

I put my paw on her shoulder to comfort her. 33 years in this place and no one to talk to other
then that git Hiroshi and his father. All I could to was sympathize with her now.

Sill looking down at he feet she asked quietly, "Will you do me a favor?"

"Sure! I'll do anything for you!" I quickly replied.

She looked up to me and asked, "Will you be my friend?"

I smiled in the way only a dog type pokemon could smile and replied, "Of course I'll be you're
friend. My names Jackie. Jackie Jolteon."

The mew smiled brightly and replied, "My name's Joey Oak."

(c) Kat Nabakainu
August 8, 2001

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