Team Rocket47's Bestest Fanfic
Chapter 5: The Dawn of Team Rocket47

"Almost got it!" Joey was crouched behind the TV that the boss
contacted Ira and Jads with. They were both out training there
dragonite in the forest. Joey was left alone because even after
three weeks had passed since she crashed into the house with her
motorcycle, she still had trouble walking. So being her normal
Joey self she decided to cause a little trouble. Earlier in the
morning she had used a bit of scrap metal she found around the
house and with Lucky's help had welded it into a satellite dish.
She had teleported to the roof and set it the dish in position and
now Joey was hooking it up to the bosses TV. They were going
to have cable.

The screen flickered for a moment then turned onto the news.
"No news on finding the escaped Team Smak member who
cleverly evaded the police three weeks ago. How this was done
is still unknown because police report shooting her in the leg at
least once. More news at" Joey shut the TV off.

Slouching down on the couch she sighed. "How am I gonna get
my friends out of jail if there still looking for me? Wouldn't they
think I was dead by loss of blood by now? I bet that would have
happened to me if I didn't end up in this little place. When are
Ira and Jads gonna be home I wanna show them what I did all

Just as Joey mentioned it, her two friends appeared at the door
looking very charred. Ira said with despair, "We taught it fire
blast. . ." And fell over.

Joey got up from her nice seat on the couch, said, "I'll get the
burn heal." and limped into the back room where pokemon and
occasionally people were healed.

After all was done and healed. Joey dragged them into the room
where she had set up cable. She turned it on and the channel was
still set to the news. It showed a very bad police sketch of Joey.
They news lady was yakking on in the back ground. Joey had a
huge anime vein on her forehead. She turned it to some cartoons
then calmed down.

"So what happened with dragonite today?" asked Joey.

Jads hung her head. "Well we taught her the TM you gave us
and she decided to use the attack on us."

"Well that can be expected by a first caught pokemon. But just
to verify my suspicions, How many badges do each of you

A sweat drop appeared on each Ira and Jads' heads. In sync they
both said, "One."

It was Joeys turn to hang her head. "Only one each? No wonder
the dragonite won't listen. Since I'm the one who caught it she
will only listen to me and trainers with the Earth badge."

Ira leaned back and remarked, "Damn."

Jads looked to the TV. "Can the boss still call from that?"

"Nope." Joey smiled at her work and explained, "I blocked his
signal so he sees what were watching on his little TV at his

"Serves him right." Ira got that evil look that you only get when
you get the most evil plots that can change history. "Joey, the
boss has been a complete ass to us ever since HE dragged us
into this stupid Team Rocket mess. And Jads' brother, James
was originally in team rocket but he and his girl friend started
Team Rocket12 who's now a big rival of Team rocket and I was
thinking. . ."

Joey raised an eyebrow at him and answered, "You want me too
help you start a rival team of Team Rocket so we can take over
the world?"

Jads nodded and Ira replied, "Exactly."

"Well. . ." Joey thought for a moment. "If I do help you with this
there's a shit load of danger involved because until we get
enough power Team Rocket has full advantage over us. Plus
we'll still have to deal with the cops. The results of failure, as
you've seen by Team Smak, are a hell lot of jail time, bad
injuries that mostly include shot wounds, and maybe even death.
But if you do it right you get lots of pokemon, fame, money,
friendship, and a hell of a good time. I suspect from what you've
told me that you haven't been on any real missions. Am I

Ira and Jads nodded at this.

"Well I guess you'll need some training. I guess I can teach you
for now until I can bust my friends out of jail and Dreana can
continue from where I left off. She was my teacher even. If you
don't mind I'd like to allow my friends to join this new team."

The other two agreed to this and Jads raised her hand. "I have a
very important question that Ira and I have wondered ever since
we met you three weeks ago."

Joey nodded and Jads proceeded with the question. "Why do
you have the ears and the tail of a mew?"

Joey closed her eyes and replied, "I was wondering when you
would ask that. I'm surprised you even recognized that they
were a mews'. You know your pokemon well. You should also
know that by all known records tell that there is only one mew.
If you listened to the news three weeks ago, which is how I
gathered you knew I was from Team Smak, you would also
know that the one mew is my best friend Dreana and she's in jail

Jads and Ira nodded to knowing all this and with a warning to
pay attention, Joey continued.

"All the text books are wrong because I too am a mew." Joey
then turned back into her original mew self. "No one but you
two and team Smak know this. I'm Dreana's younger sister. But
for reasons I like to keep secret, my powers are stronger then
hers. I can transform into almost anything which can come in
handy quite a lot. That's how I can turn into the Joey that you
previously know me as. I also can read minds. Floating in mid-
air is another one of my powers but it's harder as a human.
Lastly I have a very stupid card trick that I'll show you guys
some other time."

"So now you know." Joey said.

Jads looked greatly amazed. "That's how you knew Chichu was

"You are correct Jads." Joey smiled.

Ira said, "Let's back to creating a rival team for Team Rocket?"

Joey looked to him. "Ok what do you have in mind?"

"I was thinking," Ira pondered, "that the first thing we steal is
Team Rockets name like Team Rocket12 did. Any certain
number that has a little importance to you?"

Joey recalled for a moment the replied, "The day I met you guys
I had fallen asleep in class for the forty seventh time that

Ira smiled. "Then from now on we will be known as Team
Rocket47! I guess our headquarters will be right here."

Jads cheered and Joey smiled. "Your first lesson will start
today! You should get some lunch because we got to do some
work." Joey limped out of the front door and Jads and Ira went
into the kitchen.

Two hours later. . .

Ira walked out into the backyard with his partner following.
What he saw was not what he expected. Joey was covered in
mud looking down into a deep hole that wasn't there before. She
tossed them each a shovel.

"The first thing you gotta learn in this business," Joey explained,
"is how to dig a hole. We've got a top secret training facility
deep under ground. There is no way you can get to it other than
digging. The only other entrance is at the team smack hideout
which is pretty far from here. So we need to dig a new one. I've
dug about three hundred feet so if you'll follow me we'll get
started." Joey jumped down the hole with a shovel in hand.
Without much of a clue, Jads and Ira followed.

It was about a 25 foot drop with pillows at the bottom so no
injuries would occur. Seeing it was dark, Ira released charm. By
the light of Charms tail they could see Joey walking up ahead.
She motioned for them to follow. They did so and followed Joey
about two hundred and seventy-five feet until they found a big
rock in there way.

"Now what?" asked Jads.

Joey looked at it. "We gotta dig around it. Now for your first
lesson." She showed them how to get the most dirt in one
shoveling and found they were both naturals at it.

Joey and Jads dug the hole further while Ira carried the extra dirt
out to the surface of the hole. After about three hours of this
work, Joey and Ira switched places. After another hour, Jads
shovel struck metal and the two of them uncovered a big metal

Joey was up at the surface resting on a big pile of dirt. From
down in the hole she heard they yelling of Ira and Jads. By the
time and the rate they were digging at they had probably found
the metal wall that leads into the underground base. Since it was
only programed to open to the DNA of a Team Smak member,
She wiped the sweat off her fore head and dropped down the

Ira looked at the wall. There was no opening at all. They had
tried to dig around it but had only found more wall. So they
called Joey to see if she knew what it was. Joey appeared few
seconds after they called.

"So you've found the entrance to the gym I see. Good job you
two." Joey looked at the wall until she found a little handle.

"We already tried that Joey." Ira marked, "No matter which way
you pull it, it won't open."

"That is because the door is not encoded to open to your DNA
pattern." Joey smiled and gave a tiny pull on the door.

It opened to the most amazing thing Jads and Ira ever saw.

(c) Joey Oak              September 14, 2000

Chapter 6