Early Updates
These are the updates from when I first started this site. Like, back when it was on Geocities.

I did some minor maitenence. Switching servers is on hold because I'm over come with homework and the stress of my drama festival scene I have to preform in a week. I'll get to it soon....
Bad News
I've officially run out of space on this site. Stupid Geocities limit. And since I refuse to pay any of my hard earned money to those tweekers, I can't update until I switch servers. But school interfears with my doing so. When I get the free time and a bit more HTML knowlege, I'll switch to the site my dad owns which has a lot more space. Until then, this will most likely be the last update on this site for a while.

As for what I updated.... I changed the song on the main page to a midi made by my boyfriend and added a bit of my art.
I linked Magicks fic after she reminded me that I didn't. Then I posted chapter 8 of her fic. More homework to do now....
I have Mucho homework to do... amnyway... the FanArt section is all sorted out, and I added more of my art. Also Posted chapter 7 of Magicks fic. It's good! Go read!
Another small update. All i did was mess with the Fanart. If you have any art that you7'd like me to post for you, please email me ASAP so I can upload it. Same goes for if you want your art taken down. I'll finish Tomorrow in the morning. Goodnight....
Just a small update today. I added some new links and some new clubs, and deleted the clubs and sites that don't exist anymore. I also added a lil something to the About the tree section. That's about it. Ja ne!
Back on my own computer! I deleted some art upon request of the artists, added 10 new fanfics, changed de song on the main page, and did it all since 5:30 in the morning! *falls asleep then wakes up realizing that she has to work on the Fanfiction site* *thud*
I'm so sorry for the lack of updates lately but my computer DIED. It's impossible to update anything on this site as of now. I'm currently on my sisters computer. I'll try my hardest to add more fanfics soon but things are loking grim....
I've been on vacation for awhile so that's why I haven't updated. Ok, today I added one of Magicks fics, and I'm gonna add a few more of mine to the other site. Okie dokie.
Ok.... I cleaned up some shit on this site today, and messed with the links section. That's it.
Ok people. I added not one, not three, not five, but nine whole fanfics to this site. 7 new chapters of Luke's fic are up, 1 of Magick's, and one from a new writer to the site, Kat Nabakainu. Go read it, it's really good. I also added 9 new fanarts so check those out too. Ok I'm off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz, and write chapter 17!
Ok So I've been up all night updating. Sue me. Wait! Don't sue me! I have no money! Anyway, I added a weird thing where you get an email if I update the page, two more of Luke's fics. As for the other site, I added two more of mine. Check out the Other Stuff section lol!
Crap it's been a month since I last updated! Oh well. I posted the last two chapters of Luke's fic and added new fanart by Shrieker. I also finished my other site so I can get back to writing now. Cya later then.
Below will be the ONE AND ONLY update by Luke you'll ever see again. Because he decided to mess with my site without my permission, he is no longer the assistant for this site. No one will be. From now on, I work alone. If you're wondering what I updated, I couldn't update because I was fixing all that Luke messed up.
Okay, apparently I wasn't done updating.  In addition to the other fics, I also posted Chapter Three of Magick's fic.  <Note: This isn't Joey, this is Luke.  She's allowing me to assist in keeping her site updated.  Mostly I'll be posting my fanfics, and that's about it.>  I s'pose that's it.  To keep track of who's posting what, I'm posting my updates in this color.  I've started Ch. XIV of my fic, so I'm not sure when exactly I'll be finished.  E-Mail me and tell me how I'm doing with my fics!
Ok sorry sorry I know I said that I'd get everything done yesterday but I was up past midnight and finally just said, "Know what? I'm going to bed." So I did. But I woke up this morning about 9 and have been working ever since. I've posted all the fics and linked them, and then I updated the Members section and the Active Members section. I'm going to go to the mall now but I'll start organizing the music so I can post it on all the pages. In the meantime feel free to e-mail me because I'm lonely.
I have chapter 14 done and I also need to post like 3 of Lukes chapters but you do not know how much I need sleep right now. I did however add like 8 new pics in the fanart section. I think like 4 of them are broken though. Again, I'll fix it tomorrow. Goodnight....
Ok Ok I added three new fanart things and that's about it. I'm gonna go start on chapter 14 already.
Past midnight again. But anyway I added a new fic by yours truely, something new to the other stuff section, and started a new Rpg even though I never finished the first one. Oh such fun. I'm still tracking down brock pictures for his shrine so you can expect that someime later. Chou!
I have a really bad headache right now. But anyway as of the past few day's I've added Fanart, worked on the RPG and added two new fanfics. Chapter two of Magicks fic and Chapter 1 of mine. I finally finished the long awaited re write!
Ok Ok I know I haven't updated in like a week but I'm making up for it by giving you people a big upadate today. Lesse I added, count em, 5 Fan Fics. Also 4 new peices of Fan Art, and rest assured, none by me. Also I messed with the Main Page, added something new to the Other Stuff section, and got a really bad crick in my neck. Well  that's it for tonight I'll see ya'll on the flip side!
And in an almost identical update to the last, Chapter 13 is up for me and 8 and 9 are up for Luke. He writes way to fast damnit! Ok I need some coffee now... Night night ya'll! 
I've posted chapter 12 of my fic and chapter 7 of Lukes. Also added an extra fic of mine that proves that I write good when I'm depressed. I would work on 13 but I'm too sick...
About the only things I haven't done tonight are the RPG and one of my fics. As for what I did do, I edited Magicks fic and linked it, finished the Rocket Shipper shrine, spent four hours on the Joryshipper theory, added two new pictures to the fanart section and staired at the Rpg in hopes that I could do something with it. I've also wasted my whole weekend updating this site. Be happy damnit! Also I should have chapter 12 up soon because I've decided to write a NEW chapter 12 for homework. when will what I planned for 11 ever be up?
Other than adding a little organization to this section I added 4 new fics, one that isn't linked because the Author hasn't givin me a title. But that'll be up tommorow along with the other stuff I should finish up.
Four words. Chapter 11 is up!
It's been awhile since I updated last. But anyway I added 3 new fanfics, none by me sadly. I also fixed up a bunch of stuff. As for what should be done I'm still trying to find time to work on the RPG and the Rocketshipper section. As for my status on chaper 11, I'm stuck. Wish my luck on breaking this writers block!
What an update I did today... No work on shrines but I updated the Members section and the News Room, and added a Shipper Dictionary. Lesse what else did I do... Oh right I added more Fan Art by Jads and Magick and then updated the Active Member list. My highlight of the night and what most people have been waiting for, CHAPTER 10 IS UP!  
Happy Millenium fellow rocketeers! I finished my Team Rocket shrine and you'll find it in the Other Stuff section. I worked more on the RPG it will hopefully will be finished too. For all the people who only come to this site to read the fanfic I haven't even started on 10. =P Maybe I'll work on it tommorow... 
Ah the new year is coming.... And I'm up at 6:00 am. I'm hungry. But onto something people care about. I added a Shout Out section and an oddity to the Other Stuff section and did more work on the RPG. Cya soon!
As of the past few days I've added more FanArt and more Fics (Chapter 9) I'm so lazy I don't post here. Um... Tonight what I did was I've started a new progect called The Rose Town  RPG. As the title sez it is an RPG (role playing game) As of now it is not finished (and unlinked) If I think up more ideas I'll keep up on it.
I discovered how to make pages longer so now I can fit a fanfic on one page! Uh I also added a FanArt section for all the art on this site. 
I should be finishing up those Christmas fanfics by now. As of today and yesterday I've added Kitty Feild, Bishounen Park, Gary's Shrine, an About Me section, and *gasp* an Update section!

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