Team Rocket47's Bestest Fanfic
With a grand total of 25 chapters, Team Rocket47's Bestest Fanfic is completed. Enjoy!

Notice to all who'd like to read this: The early chapters are pretty bad. And I mean really bad. They suck. Grammar and spelling mistakes galore. Never fear, I'm rewriting them so that they don't suck. When it's finished, this is all going to a place far far away. Enjoy the crappyness while you can.

Chapter 1: Abandoned Past
Chapter 2: Enter the Jads
Chapter 3: The End of Team Smak
Chapter 4: Marooned
Chapter 5: The Dawn of Team Rocket47
Chapter 6: The Great Breakout
Chapter 7: Kat's History
Chapter 8: No Need for Tac
Chapter 9: A Merry Tr47 Christmas
Chapter 10: Not Quite a Death Ray
Chapter 11: Jads' Birthday
Chapter 12: No Touchie
Chapter 13: Bad Roller Coasters
Chapter 14: The Parting of Ways
Chapter 15: New Beginnings
Chapter 16: Joey Vs. Magick
Chapter 17: Commence Destruction
Chapter 18: I Told You So
Chapter 19: Fear For the Worst
Chapter 20: Feared Reputation
Chapter 21: Haunted Dreams
Chapter 22: Execution?
Chapter 23.5: I Hate Luke
Chapter 23: The Next Great Breakout
Chapter 24: Loose Threads
Chapter 25: Regained Partnership

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